N.E.W. Latinx Rising 501(c)3 is committed to empower our local Latinx community, especially in education. We advocate for policies and practices that advance equity and inclusion for our students. Our non-profit is rooted in the enduring legacies of our Latinx ancestors.  

We are grateful you are a part of our journey! Celebrating los logros, the accomplishments, of Latinx families is what brings us joy. We are committed to work for and with our communities to further unite Latinx leaders in our fight, nuestra lucha, toward a more inclusive and vibrant state for all.

In the words of Dolores Huerta: “Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.” ¡La lucha sigue!

Northeast WI Latinx Rising 501(c)3 advocates for initiatives in education that empower Latinx communities in GB.

Image: Frida Kahlo mural designed and painted by Green Bay area high school students under the direction of Candace Cole (2015). 1258 Main St. Green Bay, WI. Photo: G. Rodríguez